
Police Chief Lights Candles

Canton, Mass. (Issued December 18, 2017) –    The brightness of the Chanukah lights brought warmth to the crowd gathered for this year’s Canton community menorah-lighting ceremony — despite Saturday (12/16) evening’s 20-degree temperature and 10-degree wind chill factor.

The annual event — organized by Rabbi Mendy and Rivka Horowitz of the Chai Center of Canton – marks the joyous 8-day holiday of Chanukah which has been celebrated for some 2,000 years. It commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem following the surprise victory by the Maccabees over the much larger Seleucid (Syrian/Greek) army in the year 166 CE.

Canton Police Chief Kenneth Berkowitz assisted Rabbi Horowitz in lighting the 10-foot menorah (candelabra) and joined the crowd in traditional holiday blessings and song. Refreshments included latkes (potato pancakes), hot chocolate provided by the Schlossberg –Solomon Chapel of Canton, and Israeli donuts courtesy of Zayde’s Market in Canton.

The mission of the Chai Center of Canton is to reach out and create a warm atmosphere for Jews of all ages to explore and experience their heritage in a welcoming environment.

Dr. Andrew Chase of ARCH Orthodontics said, “We are pleased to once again host this holiday display and bring warmth, joy and beautiful smiles to the community.”

For more information about the Chai Center of Canton:  (781) 956-2507; http://www.jewishcanton.com/december-2016.html  or cantonchaicenter@yahoo.com.

ARCH Orthodontics has 8 offices in addition to the Canton location. For more info: www.archorthodontics.com / (781) 209-6776.                      

– By Stanley Hurwitz / (508) 269-0570  /  stanhurwitz@gmail.com